1. Heat up your thermos.
While you’re getting ready, let hot boiling water sit in your to-go cup to heat it through. This simple step will ensure your coffee stays toasty for as long as possible—a key to lasting deliciousness.

2. Don’t skimp on grounds. 
Earlier-than-usual mornings call for a robust coffee hit. The best strength is 2.75 tablespoons of ground coffee per 8-ounce cup. (Our Van Houtte Keurig K-Cup® pods ensure the perfect equation, of course.)

3. Choose the right blend for the occasion. 
Personal preference is key, but something a bit stronger than usual might make up for the loss of your usual savouring time. Try swapping out your usual Breakfast Blend for the smokier chocolate notes of our French Roast.

4. Wait for the water. 
Water that’s too hot will extract compounds in the coffee that are bitter. The perfect brewing temperature is 200°F, or about 45 seconds after it comes to a full boil. Waiting that extra beat will ensure only the best flavours make it into your thermos.

5. Warm your milk. 

If you’re a fan of milky coffee, warming it beforehand means it will blend with the coffee without cooling your brew down—a must in to-go land. A couple of minutes in a saucepan should suffice. For that extra oomph, melt the desired sugar right there in the milk too.